Cantwell, John
Office Email: cantwell@business.rutgers.edu
Office Phone: 973-353-5050
Research Interest: Analysis of Corporate Technological Change and
International Business
Chen, Chao
Office Email: chaochen@business.rutgers.edu
Office Phone: 973-353-5425
Research Interest: Cross-Cultural Communication, Cross-Cultural Negotiation,
Managing Diversity, Conflict of Interest and Ethical Decision Making
Christmann, Petra
Department Chair & Professor
Office Email: christmannp@business.rutgers.edu
Office Phone: 973-353-1065
Research Interest: strategic management and international business
with a focus on environmental management, firm self-regulation in
the global economy, emergence of global standards and their effects
on firm strategies, and international diffusion of management practices.
Contractor, Farok
Office Email: farok@andromeda.rutgers.edu
Office Phone: 973-353-1650
Research Interest: Alliances; International Business; Joint Ventures;
Licensing; Foreign Direct Investment; International Marketing; Global
Enterprises; Globalization; Valuation of Intangible Assets; Foreign
Market Entry; Royalty Rates; technology Transfer; Negotiating Alliance
Agreements; Corporate Knowledge Management; Intellectual Property;
Government Policies towards Foreign Investment; Strategy; Inter-firm
Collaboration; Asian Business.
Gaur, Ajai
Associate Professor
Office Email: ajai@business.rutgers.edu
Office Phone: 973-353-5762
Research Interests: Strategy: Business Groups, Corporate Governance
and Top Management Teams. International Business: Internationalization,
Entry Mode and Ownership Strategies, Foreign Subsidiary Management,
Emerging Economies.
Gilbert, Brett
Associate Professor
Office Email: brett.gilbert@business.rutgers.edu
Research Interests: Geographic clusters; disruptive technologies; clean technologies;
new venture performance; international entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship in emerging economies, social entrepreneurship
Gittelman, Michelle
Associate Professor
Office Email: michelle.gittelman@business.rutgers.edu
Office Phone: 973-353-5432
Research Interests: Innovation in the biopharmaceutical industry
Monaghan, Sinead
Assistant Professor
Office Email: smonaghan@business.rutgers.edu
Research Interests: Foreign Direct Investment; Multinational Corporations; Sub-National Actors; Social Network Analysis;
Internationalization; Economic Geography
Settles, Alexander
Assistant Professor
Office Email: asettles@business.rutgers.edu
Office Phone: 973-353-3989
Research Interests: Emerging market multinationals and management practices in emerging market firms with a specialization in Russian firms
Smeets, Roger
Assistant Professor
Office Email: rsmeets@business.rutgers.edu
Office Phone: 973-353-1647
Research Interests: Multinationals; innovation; patent litigation; patents; international trade;
foreign direct investment; applied econometrics
Spatareanu, Mariana
Associate Professor, Economics Department, FASN
Office Email: marianas@rutgers.edu
Office Phone: 973-353-5249
Research Interests: Measuring technological spillovers from foreign direct investment, and investigating factors that affect the flows of foreign direct investment,
including the rule of law, labor market regulations, environmental standards and financial markets.
Yeniyurt, Sengun (Shen)
Associate Professor, Marketing Department, RBS
Office Email: yeniyurt@business.rutgers.edu
Research Interests: Global market strategies, product and brand management, supplier relationship management.